I like to take the kids out to restaurants regularly so that they can start to pick up some manners. You have to choose the right venue though, because I don't want my lively crew of kids to interrupt someone's anniversary dinner or romantic night. Most restaurants are great about having kids there, and my children are definitely getting better at sitting still and enjoying a quiet meal with some practise. This blog looks at the restaurants we've tried that have been great for the kids, and now and then describes one of our less successful nights out! Learn from us.
When planning your wedding, you need to make sure that your wedding venue is easy to decorate. After all, you don't want to be stressing over decorations when the wedding day arrives. Fortunately, there are some key signs that your wedding venue will be easy to decorate.
Here are a few things that might indicate that your wedding venue is well-suited for decorations.
Adequate Space
When selecting a venue, carefully analyze the available area, as this will determine the types of decorations you can use and how much may be required. [Read More]